Wednesday, January 28, 2009

I've got a job!

As much as I dreaded and hated waking up at 7.30am to get ready for work, I am thankful that I have a job. I bounced out of bed when the alarm rang. There in the headlines of The Star today shouts, "80,000 lose jobs in US and Europe, Iceland govt collapses". I doubled my thankfulness for having a little cube to come to work. I was very sleepy this morning as I reached Penang at 1am this morning. But, after a nice hot cup of coffee, I was fully charged to start the day. When everyone else is still busy celebrating CNY happily, there I was handling customer escalations. I was on the phone practically from 9am till 7pm. I didn't even have the time to eat or pee. I tripled my thankfulness, that this job really needs me.
Now, put the crap aside. Who am I kidding? I wished I was busy gambling or drinking on this third day of CNY. My hope of becoming a millionair with some friends by trying our luck on some lucky numbers last night vanished when those supposedly lucky numbers weren't very lucky for us afterall. The only right strike was Sunshine's 7. So, maybe it's gonna be a good year ahead for him. Which is good, so he can go earn more money for me.
So, no matter how thankful I am about this job, I still wished there was a miracle in my path of life that is going to make me so filthy rich, that I can wake up anytime I want and not having to come to this stinking work! The part of being thankful is just a disguise to soothe my emotional feelings at this moment. I've got a job and some out there are hungry and shelterless tonight.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Cool, you are a great worker handling phone during that time. Yeah job is very important nowadays -smile-