Monday, December 12, 2005


Whoa! I haven't been blogging for more than a week. Haven't got much to say as I have been working my ass off. Really, what have I been doing? OT! Time seems to fly so fast. Basically I spend 12 hours a day in office. Workaholic? Nah, just need to get a little bit more extra money to cover my expanses. I've been spending quite a bit. Swipe here a little, swipe there a little. Oh ya, and I am going to Bangkok this Sunday with Sunshine. Thank God he offered to foot the bill. Not forgetting my Omega. I've got til January 15 to pay up.
I am excited now as starting this Friday, I'm officially on leave for a whole week. Will be back after Christmas. Eventhough it's not Korea, I'm still going somewhere out of Malaysia. I'm taking an aeroplane! Besides this, there is really nothing else to look forward to. Life is just so unfair and it is definitely not a bed of roses.
Something new, company has given me a Latitude D400 to use. They took away my PC and now I am fully on the notebook. I am a mobile worker. If anything happens here, there is a backup plan to move me to another site. 10 of us in the team got the notebook. It is light, it is convenient. Only thing is that the screen is 12". I can also check my mails from home. So if I am on leave for a week, I'll be able to clear my mails from home. Or else, I will need to spend the first three hours clearing my mails when I come back.
Got to get back to work. Logging in til 8 tonight.

2 comments: said...

Wow, you lucky fella (sorry I still can't guess you are a guy or gal! LOL). You seems to be going everywhere! And an Omega! Drools!

BTW, tks for dropping by my blog. My church is the Cathedral of the Holy Spirit, in Jalan Besi, behind Caltex. At night you can see the blue cross.

Sunny Side Up said...

5xmom, thanks for visiting my blog. to keep the records straight, i'm another girl next door.