Friday, August 05, 2005

I think today I would have more time, I'm in a hurry to no where. So I can blog the whole day, no one would care less about what I do.

Let me explain here. I named this blog after 6 pm, there are no apparent reason to it. As I mentioned yesterday, I tried a dozen of them, and none was available. I just picked this name out of no where. And it worked, so there goes my blog with a name, After 6 pm. I do like it personally.

Oh, about the show I was rushing to last night, Stealth. It was really entertaining. I really liked it. There was not a part that was boring. The whole two hours of the show was unbelievably fast (is that how you spell that word?). Once in the theatre, you won't even realise that you have been in there for two hours! Go watch it, I highly recommend. I'm not going to spoil it for you guys, I won't tell abit about it all. Just go watch it, ok? To my taste, you are not wasting your money on it!

After the movie, we headed back home. Can't afford to go anywhere else. Have to come to work today. Believe it, throughout the night, I was so excited about this blogging thingy, I could hardly sleep. I was thinking what to blog today. And so, here I am blogging already.

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