Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Year End 2009

No, I've not lost my passion to blog. I just got too busy, with travelling, with work and of course poker on Facebook. I picked up poker during my last trip in KL, where Sunshine's brother was playing it day in, day out. Yep, the game was contagious and addictive, easy to learn and immediately stuck to you. And definitely bad for you. You lose contact with all your real friends and everyone seems to be talking to you through instant messages.
To recap of what I have been doing for the past three months, nothing much happened in October. Just going to work, very hectic with lots of escalations. It's like I just suddenly got appointed to Escalation Manager. Every possible issue will just fall on my table. And everybody just wants to speak to the manager. Like I have magical abilities to solve every escalation that could possibly occur.
Then came November, also filled with escalations, and I realised that these customers are not angry with my team. But, it was some other team's inefficiencies. So, why am I still tolerating those customers screaming at my ears? Well, it's just how the company works. My title, my job description and my pay just does not seem to balance.
Finally, I was sent to Singapore SITEX for a week at the end of November. Away from the office. Woo... hoo... It was tiring, but at least I don't get agitated customers for a week. Start of December, I was sent to KL PIKOM. And the following week, I took my break to Krabi, Trang, Songkhla and HadYai, Thailand. I had an awesome time, which all could be seen in my Facebook, if you know who I am.
And so, a couple of days more to Christmas. And a week and a half more to a brand new year. I'll drop by to post a little bit more. That is, if I'm not too busy pokering.

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