Saturday, May 09, 2009

Up and running

After hybernating for one month, I am now up and running. Went back to work and it's busy as usual. I am embracing the workload as it kills time. It makes the weekday seem to pass so fast, which is a good thing.
I've slept so much in the last month, that I feel my bones have harden and my brains are dead. Can't blame me on this, I was recuperating from the endometriosis surgery. Right now, the wound is healing, though sometimes there's some fluid oozing out.
I am so craving for KFC or a Spicy Chicken McDeluxe or any sort of chicken now. With my restricted diet, I practically only ate a whole loaf of bread last week as I went back to work in Penang and didn't have my mother in law to cook for me. I lost another kilo in a week by just eating bread.
I'm back in Taiping for the weekend. I think I'm going to start eating chicken today.

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