Monday, January 05, 2009

Lazy days are over.

I wanted to start this post (the first few for this year) on a positive note. Upon checking and updating my facebook, I realised many people were ranting about going back to work today. Yea, the past 2 weeks, many workers were clearing their annual leaves or companies were closed to cut down operating expenses. I had my fair share of not waking up at 8am and drag myself to work. I kept work out, though I was not doing anything else.
So, getting back to routine today was a little bit more difficult than ever. It's not like the ordinary 2 days weekend break, and you come back to work on a Monday morning. I'm sure everyone else is feeling the same way I was. Throughout my journey from Taiping to Penang this morning, I made a mental note to myself that this is going to be the first official working day for year 2009, therefore, I have got to make this a good one, so that the following days for the rest of the year will follow suit.
The day ended well. I'm going home now. I hope everyone else had a great day today too. Go home now, and rest well. We've got another day to deal with tomorrow.

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