Saturday, February 16, 2008

Jammy Jam on Public Holidays

This is also one of the very reasons I want to work on public holidays, so that I don't get into those snail crawling traffic jams. Look, I even had the time to take some pictures of the horrible ques, cos the traffic was at a standstill. This picture was taken on Chinese New Year eve, where everyone was rushing home for their family reunion dinner. Everyone wanted to get out of Penang and head home to their respective hometown. Whenever there's a public holiday, Penang bridge will be so jammed pack. It could take more than an hour to get from Bayan Lepas to the other end of the bridge. AWFUL!!!

After CNY, everybody come rushing home to start work again on Sunday night. And this time, it took me 1 and a half hours to get from Bukit Tambun to Penang across the bridge. It was almost midnight, yet, there were still so many cars. Unfortunately some reckless drivers had to get themselves into some accidents which caused the jam to be even worse. Look, I'm at the smart tag lane to the bridge. Yet, the que was at a halt. Some inconsiderate drivers without the smart tag was queueing on this lane, then they will cut in to the touch and go lane. Of course nobody from the touch and go lane would give way. PBSB should do something about this. Maybe baricade the smart tag lane 100 meters before the toll booth. So, those without the smart tag who drives into this lane will get caught at the toll booth and be fined RM 1000 for their stupidity of not understanding that they are at the fast lane. It's supposed to be fast and not hold up by their lack of brains for not having a smart tag, but being on the smart tag lane. I'm sure this fine will definitely scare the shits out of them and the smart tag lane will operate as smooth as it's meant to be in the first place. And guess what? There were no jams on Monday morning. I guess everyone decided to come back on Sunday night. And hey, I'm at work today!

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