Saturday, January 19, 2008

Wan Dala... Wan Dala...We should all be damn grateful for all the things we have. I was in Siem Reap on 13th - 16th January, and I had a really mind blowing experience there. The thing that struck me the most was the kids, probably less than 5 years old, were carrying their much younger siblings and begging for a dollar from the tourists. It wasn't a very pleasant sight. From there, I started to think to myself, on how lucky I am, for all the things that I've got.

Apart from that, we visited the Wats, which were magnificently structured. Each step that I took, I kept wondering how these people managed to build the temples before civilization without any modern technology to carry the heavy blocks of stones. Amazingly the stones were just stacked on top of one another, and yet they stand majestically til now. You won't be able to imagine the precision here. Also, the carvings on the walls were so beautiful. You'll keep imagining how'd they do it.

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