Monday, May 01, 2006

Sleeping beauty

I wasted yesterday. I practically slept the whole day. Woke up around 9am, went for breakfast with Sunshine and his family. It was a lazy day. After breakfast, we went to check out the new Naza Sutera. Don't really fancy it. We went home and I went back to sleep. Tried as I might to wake up at 3.30pm. Had lunch, it was all prepared. Took my medication and went back to sleep. When I opened my eyes again, it was 7.30pm. I announce myself, Sleeping Beauty!
Hence, as much as I hated it, I dragged myself to work today. It's Labour day, it's triple pay day. If I stayed home, I will continue my sleep. If I stayed home today, I will end up in a very bad traffic jam on Penang bridge coming back from Taiping tomorrow morning. So, I came to work. And I am so proud of myself for my achievement to wake up at 6.45 this morning.
If I didn't work today, I would be shopping. I've got heaps of shopping vouchers to spend. The expiry is nearing. But because of the RM 300 that I am making today, I had to skip that. So, I gave Sunshine my vouchers and he is taking his parents shopping in Penang today.

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