Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Team meeting day. But it's been cancelled to give way to Enterprise Training. They always have this the first month of every quarter. And you know, I don't have the slightest clue what these trainings are about. Come on, let's get real, everyone is already so tired talking to stupid customers the whole day, and the last thing that we need is to go for another training session of some boring talk. It is compulsory, so that we are updated with new products. Duh, there are technical sales to assist us in really technical questions from customers. So, why are they torturing us after office hours? That is after 6 pm, for heaven's sake! No choice, have to go, claim OT... maybe free dinner.
Well, today is another boring unhappening day. It's Singapore's National Day, so there are very few callers from Singapore. So you get dumb Malaysian calls where they go, "Saya nak tanya" or "Berapa harga pakej 1999 tu?" Believe me, there are people who call in asking that question. On the advertisement is already stated RM 1999, they can even ask you back that very question! That is part of the insanity of my job.

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