Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Naked bus or naked lorry?

Can you guess what vehicle this is? Looks like a naked bus or lorry. Hell, it sure can run as it is not fully built. Powerful, I myself could not catch up with it while I was driving a Vios.
Took this picture last Monday morning as I was driving back from Taiping to Penang with my new Sony Ericsson K610i. Not so new actually, was a birthday present from Sunshine. Early birthday present actually, as my birthday is only next week. And I've been using the phone for more than a month now. I hope he surprises me with another real-on-the-day birthday present. That would be sweet.
A little bit of catching up here
Well... haven't been blogging for more that a month. COMEX came and went. We did really well. I am happy, but still not up to boss's expectation. Of course, or else we wouldn't improve if we are just satisfied with what we have done. To succeed, we must always excel further. But hey, this is my first PC Fair. Through all the stresses and pressures, I've learnt and grown. Right after COMEX, flew down to KL for a seminar with Ron Kaufman. It was fantastic, opens the eye and have a better understanding of serving customers better. One simple rule, you have to give in order to get back. It's true.

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