Tuesday, November 01, 2005


This celebration is the combination of Deepavali and Hari Raya, which falls in this week side by side. That's two days of triple pay this week! I just love public holidays. At least there is some motivation to come to work for the pay and the pay alone. Tell me if there is anyone else who is still so motivated to come to work after doing the same job for three whole years? That person must be really successful and highly self motivated. To that one rare person, I would say, "Good job, dude!"
Anyway, back to the main topic. Deepavali falls today and Hari Raya is expected on Thursday. But that all depends if they found the "anak bulan" tomorrow night. I hope they did, I've planned for my two days break. Tomorrow is All Souls Day. Sunshine is off on Thursday. So at least we can spend some time together on a weekday.

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